Gustavo Nogueira de Menezes

Founder at Temporality Lab

Gustavo Nogueira de Menezes (he/they) is a Temporalist from the Amazon Rainforest. Founder of Temporality Lab, he supports individuals and societies to reflect on change with ancestral and contemporary ways.

A Brazilian researcher specializing in temporalities, the narratives and systems that influence our perception of time from a decolonial perspective. Based in Amsterdam, he is part of a transdisciplinary global community, collaborating with leading companies like Globo, Google, Natura, Netflix, Nubank, and Spotify. His current research with IAM Internet & AIxDesign focus on AI's impact on time perception & Ancestral AI. His work covers topics like social change, ancestry, speculative design, and decoloniality, providing insight into time's impact on human experience and inspiring a rethinking of our relationship with time.

Session Description

Gust will join us on day one of The Conference, in a session focused on the roles time, wisdom and trust play in our cultures, businesses and creative practices.  Gust’s current research focuses on AI's impact on time perception and on Ancestral AI. He’ll present his work reframing our relationships with time, and share how to move individuals and organisations from the politics of haste and urgency to taking collective action for just, sustainable futures.


Georgina Voss


Nipun Mehta